marți, 6 iulie 2010

Question of the Day: Which team will win the World Cup

   We don't like easy questions and we know the chicken came first. We like tough questions and when we don't know the answer - we ask for your help.

A bit of us thinks Germany will win based on the performance yesterday, but another bit of us thinks the Dutch are starting to look very good too.
Most of us think that Uruguay will be going home after the next match but mist of us also expected to see Brazil at this stage.
Nobody in this office thinks Spain really have a chance, but we keep saying, it isn't how you get to this stage it is that you get the result and Spain seem to get the results when they need them.
Our point; we have a question of the day to the right. Who do you think will win the World Cup? Please answer - it will be interesting to see the results.

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